Block Ads. Browse Better.

财经24小时最- 狗急加速器

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财经24小时最- 狗急加速器

Improve page load and save memory all while experiencing a faster Internet.

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AdBlock prevents ads from downloading, giving your browser a speed boost.

财经24小时最- 狗急加速器

Don't let advertisers track you across the Internet.

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Don't let advertisers track you across the Internet.

AdBlock blocks third-party trackers and helps you avoid being targeted by ads.

财经24小时最- 狗急加速器

Eliminate pop-ups, banners, and video ads, so you can see what really matters.

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Eliminate pop-ups, banners, and video ads, so you can see what really matters.

AdBlock blocks annoying ads on YouTube, Facebook, Twitch and your favorite sites.

财经24小时最- 狗急加速器

Support a healthy ecosystem for websites and content creators by allowing Acceptable Ads.


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AdBlock blocks annoying and intrusive ads but allows respectful ads by default. You can change this setting any time.


财经24小时最- 狗急加速器

财经24小时最- 狗急加速器

Added AdBlock to Chrome and in 5 minutes it blocked 213+ ads on just 3 websites. No more auto-play ads or intrusive pop-ups. Sites load way faster now. Brilliant!

财经24小时最- 狗急加速器


The best thing in the chrome web store!


You have made my life a little more calm.

@Kelci Mohr


AdBlock has drastically improved my quality of life online.

@Cenon Manansala


This is a must have extension for Chrome.

@Dhruv Patel


Its the best extension I ever downloaded :)


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财经24小时最- 狗急加速器

We built AdBlock to provide a worry-free and distraction-free Internet experience for everyone. It is used by tens of millions of users worldwide on all major browsers in more than 30 languages. Created by Michael Gundlach in 2009, AdBlock is now one of the most popular browser tools in existence.

The open-source software we create is designed to give users control over what they see in their web browser. 网络加速 - 网络软件 - 非凡软件站 - · Throttle(网络加速软件)是PGWare出品的网络加速软件,可自动根据处理器系列及操作系统版本进行优化!Throttle(网络加速软件)号称可众将你的 Internet 连接速度优化到200% 或者更高.

We believe that publishers should be able to monetize their content via advertising. Some of our favorite content is made possible with ads, and many of our users actively allow ads from creators they like using features available in AdBlock. Our focus is blocking annoying and intrusive ads. Since 2015, we have participated in the Acceptable Ads program , where publishers agree to ensure their ads meet certain criteria . Ads that are deemed non-intrusive are shown by default to AdBlock users. If you'd like to learn more about how Acceptable Ads works, where the money from this program goes, and more, please visit our Acceptable Ads FAQ.

We are a diverse, fully remote team with employees spread across North America and the globe. Our designers, developers, writers, managers, and more are obsessed with making the Internet a better place. We believe that everyone has a right to surf the web without being bombarded with pop-ups or video ads or being tracked by advertisers everywhere they go.

Get AdBlock Now
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